Friday, February 4, 2011

The Zombie Apocalypse

OK kids, look out your window.  Do you see that group of horribly disfigured individuals walking down the street towards you? No that's not your Aunt Ida's bride club. That's the coming Zombie Hoard.

What. Do. You. Do.

How we're going to survive the seemingly inevitable coming of the undead hoards has become a very popular topic in recent years.

Movies like "Zombieland" and "Shaun of the Dead" provide us with an interesting take on how to survive, while games like "Left 4 Dead" and "Half-Life 2" give us that video game training. Even shows like NPR's "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" (the comedic news quiz show) has referenced a, sadly fictional, Zombie Apocalypse Bootcamp.

It's also been a topic of conversation I've had in many different social settings.  When I was still in school my roommates and I would discuss how we would do things around campus and what would make for the most defensible position around.  At work I've discussed how we could survive in the store fairly well against the zombie hoards, or try our luck running to the nearest Armory (located just a few blocks away) and be very well armed.

I've also had debates...well discussions really, on the differences in zombies as well.  Do we think they'll be slow moving zombies? Much easier to get away from, slightly more annoying because you have to really completely dismember them. Or will they be the runners? Faster, but slightly easier to kill.  Can they swim? Do they only come out at night?

All of these are important questions that need to be answered in order to come across the right plan.  Obviously a shotgun will do a good job at long range, or even close up.  A chainsaw would really get you protected close up, but leaves you open to infection from zombie blood as it gets on you, so then you have to get a protective suit.  There are just so many variables so the really important thing to be aware of is to be flexible with your plans.

Also remember "Double tap to make sure they're really dead"

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