Friday, February 18, 2011

The Get Out of Jail Free Card

Don’t take this the wrong way, but you sir, or madam, are an ass. 
You can’t be mad at me for saying that you’re an ass because I clearly stated that you shouldn’t take this the wrong way. Since I said that I could say anything I want and you wouldn’t be able to be angry with me...right?
People seem to think that because they preface their phrases with statements like “don’t take this the wrong way”, “no offense, but”, or “I can say this because we’re such good friends”, that they can get away with saying whatever the heck they want to.  That is a load of bull. 
If you’re going to say something critical of someone, have the backbone to stand behind your words. Don’t try to hide behind a distancing phrase in an attempt to lighten the blow to somebody’s ego. People who you’re friends with should know already that if you’re going to be criticizing them, or making a comment they may not like, that it’s coming from a good place. If it’s really not coming from a good place, you’re either a jerk and the two of you shouldn’t be friends, or you’re already not friends with the other individual and there’s no reason to sugar coat it. 
People, myself included, have started to take comments made by friends far too personally. You shouldn’t assume that just because somebody is saying something critical of you that they mean to hurt you. With friends it’s much more likely that they are actually attempting to make things better for you, or to make you a better person overall.
Could these people phrase things a little bit better, in a slightly less confrontational way? Of course they could. Could we all learn to not be so offended by these comments?
No offense, but yeah we could.

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