Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Steam Punk

That's right we're getting right into it here.  No "hey so like welcome to my blog" bullshit here.

Steam-punk is an awesome sub-genre within the Sci-fi world.  There are so many different stories that, if retold in a Steam-punk universe, would have a completely different (yet still awesome) feel to them.

Lets try the golden Science Fiction movie standby, Star Wars.

"But RSS", one might cry. "You can't possibly improve upon the sheer genius that is George Lucas' masterpiece".

Ah my good reader you must realize that I am not attempting to improve upon anything, just put my own little spin on it in this new fashion.

First lets take a look at the name "Star Wars".  The easy change would be "Steam Wars", and to me this actually is a slightly more descriptive name than the original.  Yes the original took place in space amongst the stars, but it doesn't quite show exactly how the war is being fought.

Imagine, if you will, the opening of "Steam Wars".  Instead of Princess Leia's starship being chased by the Imperial Star Destroyer we have a carriage being pulled by mechanical horses, charging through the desert with steam pouring out of their nostrils.  Behind them a black, menacing, rugged off-road car with large tubes pointing skyward, billowing clouds of white.  Out of each lean goggled men firing laser guns at each other a puff of smoke being emitted with each bolt arcing across the desert.

Instead of R2-D2 storing a floppy disk (because lets face it that's what it was) he actually takes what looks like a rolled up piece of parchment and stores it inside of a hidden compartment.  When we actually see the parchment get delivered to Ben Kenobi (decked out in the latest monocle ware), we see that it's not the traditional parchment, but rather a moving picture that is displayed on the paper.

That's just the tip of how this adaptation could go.  There's obviously so much more that could happen with the lightsabers, Chewbacca, and of course the sinister Darth Vader (there could be some awesome interpretations of his suit in the steampunk world)

How does that not sound badass to you?

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