Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I talked about webcomics a bit in an earlier posting, but I thought that I'd revisit them a bit now.

There are comics that cover so many different topics. We have nerd humor in the form of XKCD, gamer comics with Penny-Arcade and Ctrl-Alt-Del, life lessons with Surviving the World and A Softer World, and just plain randomness with Dinosaur Comics (there are others obviously, but those are the ones I read).

With all of those comics we also have different updating cycles. Some update daily, others a few times a week, and others still (VG Cats) update when they feel like it.

In an attempt to explain how I envision the process would go for a webcomic creator I decided to try to create a witty flowchart (because who doesn't love flowcharts).

(This process could also be applied to the creation of blogs)
I would also like to say that anorexia in the feline community is becoming a real problem. If your pet is suffering from this please don't hesitate to call 1-800-HAIRBALL. Time wasted is time lost.

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