Thursday, February 3, 2011

Artistic Mediums (Part I)

What do you think of when you think “artistic mediums”?
Music. Literature. Movies. Painting. Sculptures. These are the ones that I would think of when asked this question.  I would venture a guess that this is the case for most people out and about these days as well.  I’d also say that when I think of the phrase “artistic mediums”, I think of the snobby aristocrats who hold wine parties and debate how tortured Pytor Ilyich Tchaikovsky was by his suppressed homosexuality.  
These same people are the ones who would look at something like a comic book, video game, or cartoon as “low brow” and not “art” at all.  This, however, isn’t true. More and more society is accepting these “alternative” forms of art, and are recognizing them for what they are.  
We’ve gotten to a point where a single comic strip can address things as light hearted as “oh man that chick is super cute, but I am too shy to talk to her”, all the way up to “I witnessed my dad kill himself in our back yard”. From as mundane as “this video game sucks” to “my apartment burned down and I lost everything I owned”.  
The way people access comics have changed as well. It used to be that the only way that you got to see a comic was if it was being published by the big companies or carried in a newspaper. This has changed though. The new sub-genre of “web-comics” has emerged to take a stand in the foreground of modern media and art. While some people think that web-comics are only for the tech nerds out there, it’s truly amazing how many different topics are out there. If you can think of it, somebody has probably made a comic of it and it’s out there on the web for you to view. 
If not, get sketching.

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