Monday, February 14, 2011

Friendship and manipulation

Friendship can be a great thing. It’s great having people around to support you, cheer you up, take care of you, and of course you can do all those things for them. True friendship is truly symbiotic relationship. All people involved are gaining things that make them better, and stronger, from the relationship. As english poet John Donne is often quoted (though nobody knows who they’re quoting) “No man is an island”. 
Not all friendships are this way though. The inspiration for this posting came after watching a few episodes of the English TV show “SKINS”. Two of the main characters, Sid and Tony, don’t have the positive symbiotic relationship. Instead Tony takes advantage of his timid friend, and Sid just goes with it. It’s not healthy when only one part of the relationship is benefitting from it. 
Manipulating someone, either intentionally or unintentionally, is just no way to treat a friend. You shouldn’t have to trick someone into doing what you want. They should do it for you because they know, if the rolls were reversed, you would help them. True friends are ones that you can say anything to and, while they may make fun of you a bit at first, will accept it. You don’t have to censor yourself, you don’t have to hide what you’re thinking, you don’t have to worry about them judging you. 
Sure you won’t share every little thing with your friends, and sure they won’t always agree with what you have to say. For me though it’s been when my friends disagree with a viewpoint of mine that I’ve had the most fun, and most interesting, conversations. I don’t mind a difference in opinion as long as that viewpoint is defended with intelligent thoughts and eloquent words.
Friendship is to be coveted and treasured. Count yourself lucky if you have a set of people you would call “true friends”. I know I do.

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