Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Caffeine Addiction

According to one of my favorite comedians, the late George Carlin, caffeine is a legal, less potent, version of speed. While I don’t think that is technically true, they are both stimulants, so there’s that.
Every so often, as I’m going through my day, I start getting a headache and it’s one of those headaches that just won’t go away. After thinking back through the day I realize that I have not had anything with caffeine in it. It’s a sad when I then come to the conclusion that I am, once again, addicted to caffeine. There are far worse things to be addicted to I know, but this is still a tad annoying. 
Every so often I try to detox myself and go without caffeine for a while. Doing this is also a great deterrent for ever doing any serious drugs. If I hate the withdraw I go through from something  as light as caffeine, I can only imagine that the experience for something much more serious would be. If cocaine is 1000x worse or even just a 100x worse, that is something I would never want to go through (as if the drugs themselves weren’t damaging enough).
I don’t like being dependent on things. I like to have my freedom and to be able to go around and do the things I want to do. It’s not like a caffeine is a completely debilitating addiction, but it’s still an annoyance.
Where’d my coffee get off to anyway?

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