Tuesday, February 22, 2011

People Watching

I love sitting in a coffee shop.
I like it for a couple of reasons. The first being my caffeine addiction (see therssfeeds.blogspot.com/2011/02/caffeine-addiction.html), and the second is the chance to go people watching.
If you don’t know what people watching is, it’s simply sitting in a public area (usually with friends) and just observing the other people who are out and about. You might see the compulsive workout person, still dressed in their workout clothes. You might see a family out trying to control the young children who have far too much energy. If you’re really lucky you may see the awkward first date (which is one of my favorites to observe and chuckle about...when it’s not me). You also may see that guy sitting off by himself on a computer, with headphones on, typing away (that may or may not be me right now).
Once you see someone interesting go ahead and make a comment to your friends. Draw their attention to the woman who’s hair is just absolutely out of control. Make up what you think the conversation is between the awkward couple sitting down for coffee. Wonder how that girl fit into those jeans. 
You might even make up a back story for those people. You could say that slightly awkward looking guy at the front of the line is well...anyone. A undercover CIA operative, a costly gigolo, or just a CS nerd jonesing for that caffeine fix.
People watching isn’t something that can only to be done at a coffee shop. You really can take part in any public space. You could do it on the bus, where you might spot that person who has far too many bags for public transit. 
Just be sure to enjoy yourself and have some fun. A word of caution though, make sure whoever your talking about can’t hear you...that could be awkward.

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