Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Teh Musics and Movies

In an effort to beat my self imposed deadline of posting a new Audio Feed podcast every other Wednesday, I've been working tirelessly to bring this latest episode to you the fans.

That's right. I do this for you people. Especially you.

In a few weeks I'm off to NYC Comic Con, and I'm super excited for that. It'll be my first time at a Comic Con, and hopefully this will be a great experience (I'm not sure how it couldn't be). That being said, I'll probably be skipping a podcast that week, but be expecting awesomness afterwards!

This episode was about music appreciation, as well as the evolution of movies that are based off of comics/books/graphic novels. As always we get a bit off topic from time to time, but hey we're trying our best here.

Share with friends and enjoy!

Here's the link for Pogo:

and here's the link for our good friend Christian's Twitter feed:

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