Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Teh Musics and Movies

In an effort to beat my self imposed deadline of posting a new Audio Feed podcast every other Wednesday, I've been working tirelessly to bring this latest episode to you the fans.

That's right. I do this for you people. Especially you.

In a few weeks I'm off to NYC Comic Con, and I'm super excited for that. It'll be my first time at a Comic Con, and hopefully this will be a great experience (I'm not sure how it couldn't be). That being said, I'll probably be skipping a podcast that week, but be expecting awesomness afterwards!

This episode was about music appreciation, as well as the evolution of movies that are based off of comics/books/graphic novels. As always we get a bit off topic from time to time, but hey we're trying our best here.

Share with friends and enjoy!

Here's the link for Pogo:

and here's the link for our good friend Christian's Twitter feed:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

It's Almost 1,000!!!!!

So as of this post, The RSS Feeds as a blog has had about 960 views. My hope, and it's a big hope, is that this edition of the Audio Feed will push us past the 1,000 view mark!

Fun Fact:

We've been viewed by people in 10 different countries: USA, UK, Canada, Russia, Germany, Japan, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Poland. That makes The RSS Feed an international blog! Wheeeeeee!!!!!

And now for the real reason why most of you are probably here:

Joe and I are both big gamers (if you couldn't already tell), but we enjoy more than just video games. Today we talk about other games that we enjoy playing, IRL (that's in real life for all you n00bs out there). From Monopoly (which we both despise), to RISK and Settlers of Catan, and from Ticket to Ride to Cards Against Humanity, we discuss why we like these games, and brainstorm future ideas for this wee little blog.

Here are some of the links that we promised you!

Settlers of Catan Video:

Ticket to Ride App Link:

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Remakes

A shorter episode for your listening pleasure! I am joined, yet again, by Will and Patrick to talk abut the thoughts that are in our brains. We go from talking about modding games, to game remakes/updates, to the People Vs. George Lucas...with some randomness in the middle bits.



Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Return of the Applesack: Kickstarter and other fun things!

Joe is back! We spend our time today talking about Kickstarter and topics of awesomeness. We go from talking about the Ouya, to the Oculus Rift, to cartoonist John K. and other cool things we've seen come out of Kickstarter (Scream Park).

As always you can follow Joe on Twitter @joeapplesack and me @therssfeeds. Now sit back and let your brain be filled with awesome!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

SPAAAAAACE!!!!!! (Is Patrick still here?)

Curiosity Rover, Doctor Who, and many more awesome things today on the Audio Feed!

Patrick and I got a little carried away with our Whovian talk on this episode, so poor Will didn't have much to say, but we were able to have him provide some excellent color commentary with his malfunctioning mic/connection. I could have edited it out, but it was far too funny of a sound to just have to myself.

Also I, Will, and Patrick (possibly some other people...) will be going to New York Comic Con and walking the floor October 12th! If you want to come and join us in this funness, let me know! This is going to be my first Comic Con experience, and it looks like it's going to be a fun one. Any advice you have for surviving would also be appreciated.

NOW GO LISTEN, CONSUME, AND ENJOY! (all hail the Hypnotoad)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Teh Sack Attack

More Audio Feed to continue to make your ears happy! Today we increase that happiness when I'm joined by a great friend, and very funny guy, Joe Edelsack! His voice can sooth the savage beast, and his Tweets (@joeapplesack) have been known to cause great amusement. Listen. Enjoy. Thank me.
If you have ideas for, or want to be a part of, future episodes feel free to let me know (@therssfeeds) and I'll try to work out how that can happen! 
Yay and...stuff.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Audio Feed - Look Out Guys, We're Dealing With a Badass Over Here. (SPOILERS BELOW)

Here's a new episode of the Audio Feed! Now with extra hosts! Will and I are joined by our friend Patrick for another point of view. There are a few spoilers in the episode though, so if you care about not knowing how the Mass Effect series, and the show Legend of Korra, ends please feel free to skip over this.

Actually don't skip over this. Listen and have it spoiled. We're more fun anyway.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Audio Feed- Take 1

So I decided to take a whack at this whole "Podcasting" thing, and recruited my younger brother to help out. This is one of our first attempts at doing this, so the quality is not the best, but hopefully that will change with subsequent episodes.

The podcast doesn't really have any particular theme to it, as I'm sure you'll notice, but it's an interesting hodgepodge of topics and thoughts. My hope is that for future episodes I'll have other people on who are unique in their interests, so we'll be able to make this whole endeavor even more random and entertaining.

Thanks for tuning in, and enjoy the first episode of "The Audio Feed"!