Wednesday, August 8, 2012

SPAAAAAACE!!!!!! (Is Patrick still here?)

Curiosity Rover, Doctor Who, and many more awesome things today on the Audio Feed!

Patrick and I got a little carried away with our Whovian talk on this episode, so poor Will didn't have much to say, but we were able to have him provide some excellent color commentary with his malfunctioning mic/connection. I could have edited it out, but it was far too funny of a sound to just have to myself.

Also I, Will, and Patrick (possibly some other people...) will be going to New York Comic Con and walking the floor October 12th! If you want to come and join us in this funness, let me know! This is going to be my first Comic Con experience, and it looks like it's going to be a fun one. Any advice you have for surviving would also be appreciated.

NOW GO LISTEN, CONSUME, AND ENJOY! (all hail the Hypnotoad)

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