Thursday, February 20, 2014

Episode 6: Words

One of the great things about having two co-hosts for Geek Out/Nerd Rage, is the fact that each of us has our own unique set of interests. It's not often that you hear a conversation travel from video game studios, to comics, to neural pathology, and wrap up with internet anarchy, but somehow we've managed to do just that!

Words were said in this, the most recent episode of Geek Out/Nerd Rage!

Irrational Games
Guardians of the Galaxy
Twitch Plays Pokemon

Friday, February 14, 2014

Episode 5: In Which There Was Bacon

You waited for it, you asked for it, and now here it is. Episode 5 of Geek Out/Nerd Rage is here to make your ears so happy, they'll ask you to be their Valentine. Join us for our normal shenanigans, musings, and thought words, as we talk about credit cards, robots, medicine, evil conglomerates, Sonic the Hedgehog, and!

Click through to Sound Cloud if you want to download the episode for listening on the go!

Chip Credit Cards
Dyson Robots
Comcast and Time Warner Cable
Xstat and Fracture Putty
Sonic Boom

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Episode 4: A New Episode

Well the title of the post may be a bit misleading. There's actually not one bit of Star Wars talk in this episode of  Geek Out/Nerd Rage. There is, however, plenty of talk of other things! Things like, biofuel, bow ties, Jeopardy, Minecraft, the Hunger Games, and Cards Against Humanity! (Some of these may be parts of larger topics...).

So here it is, our one month mark of podcast consistency. Episode 4 of Geek Out/Nerd Rage!

Boeing and Biofuel

Bill Nye and Ken Ham Debate:

Minecraft Hits 14 Million PC Copies:

Arthur Chu and Jeopardy:

National Tabletop Day:

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Episode 3: The Journey Continues

What do Tarantino, dragons, and an epic space battle all have in common? Well they're all part of topics for the third installment of Geek Out/Nerd Rage! The nerd hosts are back to talk more about the happenings in the world, and to hopefully bring some amusement to your ears. Take a listen, let us know what you think, and just have  good old time with it.

Topic Links:

Dungeons and Dragons:

Netflix and Google:

EVE Online Battle

Source 2 Leak:

'Hateful Eight' Script Leak:

China Moon Rover:

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Now we're back with a whole new name!

It's been a long time coming, but now the podcast that you grew to love is back! Kinda. There's been a change in personnel, a change of name, and hopefully soon there may also be a change of website (who knows what the future may bring…), but it's still the quality entertainment that you expect from this humble nerd and his friends.

Without further ado, I give to you the first episode of the new Podcast: Geek Out/Nerd Rage!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Teh Musics and Movies

In an effort to beat my self imposed deadline of posting a new Audio Feed podcast every other Wednesday, I've been working tirelessly to bring this latest episode to you the fans.

That's right. I do this for you people. Especially you.

In a few weeks I'm off to NYC Comic Con, and I'm super excited for that. It'll be my first time at a Comic Con, and hopefully this will be a great experience (I'm not sure how it couldn't be). That being said, I'll probably be skipping a podcast that week, but be expecting awesomness afterwards!

This episode was about music appreciation, as well as the evolution of movies that are based off of comics/books/graphic novels. As always we get a bit off topic from time to time, but hey we're trying our best here.

Share with friends and enjoy!

Here's the link for Pogo:

and here's the link for our good friend Christian's Twitter feed: