Thursday, January 30, 2014

Episode 3: The Journey Continues

What do Tarantino, dragons, and an epic space battle all have in common? Well they're all part of topics for the third installment of Geek Out/Nerd Rage! The nerd hosts are back to talk more about the happenings in the world, and to hopefully bring some amusement to your ears. Take a listen, let us know what you think, and just have  good old time with it.

Topic Links:

Dungeons and Dragons:

Netflix and Google:

EVE Online Battle

Source 2 Leak:

'Hateful Eight' Script Leak:

China Moon Rover:

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Now we're back with a whole new name!

It's been a long time coming, but now the podcast that you grew to love is back! Kinda. There's been a change in personnel, a change of name, and hopefully soon there may also be a change of website (who knows what the future may bring…), but it's still the quality entertainment that you expect from this humble nerd and his friends.

Without further ado, I give to you the first episode of the new Podcast: Geek Out/Nerd Rage!