Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Teh Sack Attack

More Audio Feed to continue to make your ears happy! Today we increase that happiness when I'm joined by a great friend, and very funny guy, Joe Edelsack! His voice can sooth the savage beast, and his Tweets (@joeapplesack) have been known to cause great amusement. Listen. Enjoy. Thank me.
If you have ideas for, or want to be a part of, future episodes feel free to let me know (@therssfeeds) and I'll try to work out how that can happen! 
Yay and...stuff.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Audio Feed - Look Out Guys, We're Dealing With a Badass Over Here. (SPOILERS BELOW)

Here's a new episode of the Audio Feed! Now with extra hosts! Will and I are joined by our friend Patrick for another point of view. There are a few spoilers in the episode though, so if you care about not knowing how the Mass Effect series, and the show Legend of Korra, ends please feel free to skip over this.

Actually don't skip over this. Listen and have it spoiled. We're more fun anyway.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Audio Feed- Take 1

So I decided to take a whack at this whole "Podcasting" thing, and recruited my younger brother to help out. This is one of our first attempts at doing this, so the quality is not the best, but hopefully that will change with subsequent episodes.

The podcast doesn't really have any particular theme to it, as I'm sure you'll notice, but it's an interesting hodgepodge of topics and thoughts. My hope is that for future episodes I'll have other people on who are unique in their interests, so we'll be able to make this whole endeavor even more random and entertaining.

Thanks for tuning in, and enjoy the first episode of "The Audio Feed"!