Thursday, October 13, 2011


I think I've done postings like this before. I know that I've talked about my own musical journey a bit, how important I think music is, and how polarizing music can be.

That being said, I think that everyone has a bit of music within themselves (even if they don't know exactly how to express it).  That expression can take so many different forms, from just the simple taping of a finger on your thigh, to a tapping of your foot, to air guitar/drums, to full on singing. I find myself doing any one of those things whenever music is playing, and really enjoy watching people out and about doing the same.

I know that I'm not alone with that enjoyment.

When I was traveling back from Hungary, I was standing in line to get my boarding pass at 5AM after being up for the last 24 hours. Of course I had my earphones in and was listening to music in an attempt to keep awake. One of the other people in line turned to me and smiled saying "You're a musician aren't you? I can tell because musicians can never keep still when listening to music." It's true though. As musicians we're trained to feel the music as it's being performed. We're taught to let the music be a living thing that moves and breathes like anything else. It's only logical that we'd continue to do that while we listen music, as well as when we perform it.

Everyone has music that moves them in some way, shape, or form, and just like personalities, no two people will have the same taste in music. What moves me might just be completely dead to somebody else. The important thing is the fact that there is something that moves you. Something that grabs you and makes it so you can't sit still. Something that makes your day better, no matter how good or bad it was before that.

That's my challenge to everyone and anyone that reads this. Find that music. Find that something that moves you, that grabs you, that makes you smile no matter what. When you do that, do me a favor: listen to it and just go with what you feel. Don't feel inhibited or shy about what you want to do. If you want to sing, sing! If you want to drum on a table top like an idiot (as I do so often) do it!

Don't let your own mind get in the way of you enjoying the music as much as you can.